Well, it’s almost 11am on Saturday morning which means I’ve been daydreaming up what to write today, I’ve combed through the news and fun blogs, I’ve checked message boards and now there’s nothing else to do but work on Book 2. And so I blog 🙂

Not much to report. Although I have had the phrase “Just keep swimming” as said/sung by Dori in Finding Nemo in my head since my last post. “Just keep swimming…. just keep swimming…” It’s so cheery though that I don’t mind 🙂

As I was sitting here this morning I heard a terrible cat-fight on the next couch over. It was clearly JP’s cat screaming so I figured it must be my cat being a bully. Nope. She’d gotten her own claw stuck in her own tail and was furious about the audacity of having a claw in her tail! She spun around a few times, and then fell off the couch, running away from her vile tormentor. Of course my cat ran in to see the commotion, as did the dog. Which led to both cats ganging up on the dog. I don’t think he realizes that he’s 70 pounds and a DOG. He just puts his head down and takes his lickings. The whole scene, hardest I’ve laughed in quite a while!

I’d like to say that I’m loving Book 2 right now (because I am), but I’m superstitious so I won’t. I’ve heard from the publicist I’ll be working with at RHCB and I think we’re talking next week (which I’m super super excited about!!). I’m trying to come up with questions other than “tell me everything you know that I need to know.”

I don’t think I ever really paid attention to the publicity/marketing side of things before I sold. From being involved in RWA I knew that a lot of authors made bookmarks and magnets and pens, etc. But I don’t think I ever paid attention to all the other behind the scenes stuff — the stuff the publisher can do.

It’s interesting because I know some authors who are leery of just how much of an impact an author can have in their own sales and I know other authors who are firm believers that the author can really impact sales. It’s hard to figure out where to stand in that spectrum. Generally, when I don’t know where to stand I do lots of research so if y’all have any thoughts, bring ’em on! In the end, I’ll probably take the same approach as I did to revising — wanting to know that at the end of the day I did everything in my power to give my little book the best chance I could.

Congrats to Diana Peterfreund on the new addition to the family! Speaking of puppies, mine is trying to crawl into my lap right now…. off to work!