That’s the sound of me not entering the Golden Heart. Yep, I’m going to do it. That’s right, I’m going to NOT enter the Golden Heart.

I may regret it, when everyone else gets their scores back I’ll probably wonder what I could have done. But hopefully by that time I’ll have DB&D written and fully submitted and the new new project also written and submitted. I think the Golden Heart is a great thing. I think the people who final and win are superstars – for real.

But right now the most important thing for me to do is write, polish and submit (in that order). And if I’m still unsold this time next year, just think of all the manuscripts I’ll have to enter!! If I’m not unsold (ie, sold) then I’ll be on my journey and winning the Golden Heart would just be a feather in my cap.

So good luck to all of you entering. You should be very proud of yourselves!!