I feel totally remiss not having posted earlier about my book coming out and all about Ireland.  And fairly lame that I’m not posting more now.  But to assuage my guilt, I’m at least bringing you some photographic evidence of what I’ve been up to the past week.

First, my book.  I made a circuit of local bookstores yesterday and finally, for the first time, found my book in the wild!  It was funny because at first I couldn’t find it and had to ask. Then the bookseller pointed me to a dark corner where there was one copy spine out on the bottom shelf.  It felt like the moment in Down With Love when she sees her book for the first time.  There it was, my book!

And then the bookseller mumbled, “there should be more…” and wandered off.  He called me over and yes, there were indeed more.  It was totally a moment for me, and I think I made the bookseller uncomfortable with my jumping up and down and squealing.  I’ve already informed JP that we will be returning to that store for more photos 🙂

Second, Ireland.  Wow.  It was just an amazing trip.  Amazing place, amazing people, amazing conversation.  And did you know that Ally Carter is an amazing baker?  Holly Black makes amazing soup?  Diana Peterfreund makes amazing chicken salad?  It was just all awesome.  And because I have to run some errands in preparation for my launch party this weekend (everyone come and buy books!!), I leave you with some pictures for now.  I will also be posting pictures to my twitter account (link!) periodically over the next few days so check there as well!!