I have a habit of giving books as gifts, especially to my nephews and niece.  I was just talking to my sister about what my oldest nephew might want and she suggested his first Hardy Boys.  So I went and looked it up and then I started to remember the books I read at his age.

Encyclopedia Brown.  Boxcar Kids.  Bunnicula.  Nancy Drew.

I’m not going to lie, I actually got a little teary.  Part of it was remembering how much joy I found in reading those books.  But most of it was imagining the worlds my nephew has yet to uncover.  All of these books!  All of these mysteries he has yet to solve, the characters he’s yet to meet.

He has so much waiting for him!

Maybe buying books doesn’t make me the coolest aunt, but that’s okay because there will be those nights when he’s reading late (with his lego headlamp) and racing toward the end of one book so he can reach for the next… I just love that in some small measure, I’ll be a part of that moment because I helped start him on those journeys.

I can’t wait for his adventures to begin!