Ok, not really bah humbug, but perilously close. It’s hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it’s above 70 degrees outside (and you’re used to it being closer to 30s and 40s). Not that I’m complaining at all – I got to sit outside for lunch in the sun with short sleeves on over the weekend. And I love to sit in the sun and soak it up so that was a real Holiday treat.

But at the same time it feels like Christmas has conspired against me this year. When we bought this house in July I had big big plans for Holiday decorating. Big plans. But I refuse – absolutely refuse – to decorate or think about Christmas before Thanksgiving. Which always gives me the sense of being behind after Thanksgiving comes and goes.

And on top of that, this year we got Daphne (who, by the way, is doing awesome!) and so that’s a huge time suck. We have to take longer lunch breaks to come home and walk her and do PT which means working later to make up the hours which means not as much time during the week to think about the Holidays. And then, on the weekend we were going to get our tree I got sent out of town on business. So here it is, a few days before I jet to Minnesota for Christmas and we have no tree and I’ve barely begun my shopping. To be fair I was going to shop on Sunday but we had to cut it short to come home and let the dog out. Then I was going to go on Monday and had to work late. Ditto today.

So I’ve sucked it up and realized that this just won’t be the year for big Holiday celebrations. I have a wreath up and some colored lights outside. I have a cinnamon candle in a pretty snowflake holder and my advent calendar up. It’s sad, but at the same time we spend most of our time in the den with the dog and not much time in the living room where the tree would go.

Next year. Next year I will not put things off to the last minute. I will not let work take over the holidays. Next year I will decorate this place to the nines – maybe even real garland on the fireplaces.

Thank goodness there’s always next year!