In case y’all are interested in a personalized and autographed copy of The Forest of Hands and Teeth, I’ve partnered with my awesome local indie to make it happen.  Park Road Books will be happy to take your order, giftwrap it (I’ve seen the paper – very pretty!), and ship it to you for the holidays (or any other time!).  I live about two miles from the store and love any excuse to stop by (in addition to so many books they have a cute dog!!) so they just call me up and I head over to sign – easy peasy.

Here are the details:  just call Park Road Books at 704-525-9239 and tell them you’d like a signed copy of The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  Make sure to tell them who you want the book made out to (and how to spell the name) and if you want a specific message included.  Super easy!

Who doesn’t want zombies for the holidays?