So tomorrow (Friday) is the pitch slam. This is where I get to send out my pitch to Agent Kristin Nelson who is top o’ my list of favorite agents.

How did all of this come about? Well, Dorothy started a yahoo group and invited agents to answer questions. Last week it was Jenny Bent and she graciously agreed to review one sentence pitches. Her critiques were short, honest, and to the point. Exactly what everyone needed. Unfortunately, I missed it all.

This week, the guest agent is Kristin. All week a group of us has been honing our pitches to the requisite one sentence. Today we get word that 2-3 sentences is ok. Yipes! As The Boy said…

“now you should take the run ons and break them into two sentences, the way God, Strunk & White intended.”

and he’s right, a lot of us just took out the periods and went hog wild with the run ons.

So far my project has only been between me, The Boy and The Family. It’s scary to let the idea into the world for comment. So far it seems to be good (and I love that other people love it). Now it’s time to hear what Kristin has to say…

fingers crossed…

(and unfortunately I leave town soon after the pitch slam so any readers out there will have to wait until Sunday to find out what she says – think of it as my version of suspense!)