Curses, even as I type this I just remembered one more thing I have to do tonight: pack. Which means I should have done laundry. Eh, that will have to wait until later.

It seems that my whole week has been like this, like a total whirlwind. I finally get the best news (an agent wants my partial wohoo!) and all of the sudden the rest of my life crowds in. One of the partners I work for wants every case in the 9th Circuit on quashing subpoenas briefed by Monday (I learn about this 3pm Friday) which means working all weekend and even getting into work at 4am on Monday (trying to swipe all the proper swipe cards spots and get to the doors while they’re momentarily unlocked at that hour is like a brutal video game).

So Monday when I drag my butt home at 6pm I can’t see straight, Tuesday is a mandatory firm event, Weds I finally have a night to focus on the partial when I find out at 4pm that my step-brother is coming to stay. That caused a panicked and early exodus from work to come home and clean clean clean. Thursday was another firm event and Friday is a business trip, I must remember to take my hotel card with me this time, I forgot it last time and in order for the hotel to charge my employers the corporate rate they had to put a call into my office which didn’t exactly go down well with the boss so I need to avoid that from happening again at all costs. The truly mind-numming part of the week was definitely a trip to THE DMV.

But that is a story for another day… today’s story is that I’ve yet to finish polishing up that partial. And the agent just posted about how she’s all caught up and ready for some new reads. Ack! Tomorrow is a business trip, I anticipate another working weekend but I’m going to try my best avoidance tactics. This will be the weekend I finish the partial (and see my sister and nephews I haven’t seen for months).

Life. I guess this is really what it’s all about. Really, now that I blog about it, I have nothing to complain about. In fact, life is pretty damn good. Thanks to the fury of the weekend I’m ahead on my hours for the month which means I can enjoy the rest of June. And an agent wants to read my work. And I get to see my sister and her kids whom I adore! Huh, how’s that for a change of perspective?

And did I mention that The Boy sold?