Oh I have great blog thoughts, so many good blog thoughts. I should save them up, let them out day by day. But they’re all timely. So here’s my plan: I’ll do the list thing. Then I’ll elaborate later. Savvy?

  1. We bought a house! Remember back when? It’s ours now… all ours. The wobbly sink, the shallow tub. And I love love love it all! We drank champagne on the porch the first night and walked around the park. Can’t wait for the maiden voyage to Home Depot this weekend…
  2. Who else didn’t want to come home from vacation? I miss the sun and ocean and boozie treats…sigh.
  3. One good thing about coming home… our apartment overlooks our downtown and we had THE PERFECT view of the fireworks. I mean, people lined up for hours to get a view like ours. We kicked it on the porch, drinking wine, holding hands. It was a nice way to say good-bye to our apartment (ok, technically we have a month left…).
  4. Today I sent my partial to a few wonderfully generous beta readers. As I told them, I have no problem at all sending my work to agents and editors (I’ve done it before) but I’m terrified of sending it out to fellow readers. I know, they can only make my work better but -eep!- still scary! I’m sure I’ll be jittery until I hear back from them. But I’m so so lucky I had great people agree to read for me (Bren – I can’t find your email on your blog to send it to you!).
  5. The best part about #4 above is that I finally finished up that pesky partial. Well, the polished draft to send out to others. I have a new respect for everyone out there polishing their little hearts out. Not only did my day job take over my nights but it seemed that there was something ALWAYS something getting in the way. I tried to find the blog post I read today about how you gotta find time to write. The End.
  6. Speaking of tripping over things out there in the ether… anyone else noticing all the conspiracies that have been popping up recently?
  7. Somehow, somewhere, I have become a Star Trek, Next Generation junkie. Damn you TiVo!!