Yay! Happy Birthday me!! While this would be a great time for some reflection, it appears to be an ever better time to clean the house 🙂 Last year, The Boy cleaned our place for my birthday – top to bottom, throwing away junk and old mail and just all that stuff that needed to be thrown away. It was such a suprise and a great treat. This year, I thought I would treat myself! Plus, I’d like to surprise The Boy with a sparkling house for when he returns from Seatlle.

So I’ll try to post reflections later. My mom and sister are coming up to take me to dinner so there’s a chance such blogging may be postponed.

But I thought I’d leave you with something pretty to reflect on. This was taken at sunset from the porch where we ate all our meals in Curacao. We went for our bar trip and to this day I have somet of the best memories from there!

Update: to keep cleaning, ahem, fun I thought I would give updates. I just retrieved 21 books and three RWRs from my side of the bed. Hmmm….