So this weekend I once again posted my goals in the hopes of getting more accomplished than I normally do. And, once again I’m happy to report that it worked!

Yes, I got the contest entries judged, a few blog posts written and stored away, and even a little bit of writing done. In fact, I was done with the first two items on my list on Saturday in the hopes of having all days Sunday to write. I had visions of 5+k words written by this time.

Uh, didn’t happen. I was lucky to get 1k written. And many of those words weren’t new (to be fair, I actually wrote about 2k but lots of what I wrote was either deleted or set aside for later scenes).

Even though I know what I want to happen, I just can’t seem to get it written down. What do the rest of y’all do when this happens? How do you motivate yourself to write? How do you keep at the keyboard when the words either won’t come or come kicking and screaming from your head one at a time? How do you keep the magic?