So the other night The Boy (also a writer) and I were discussing series books. You know, sequels, trilogies, etc. It all started when I mentioned to him reading on Justine’s blog about interviews with Norton nominees. In one of the interviews, Susan Beth Pfeffer announced she just finished writing another book set in the same world as her book Life as We Knew It (except this new one is in NYC).

We all know from my recent post that I loved that book and therefore it follows that this was pretty exciting news to me. I mean, I thought this was a neat world. It’s all about what happens when the moon is knocked a little closer to the Earth causing all sorts of problems: floods, out of control tides, economic failures, earthquakes, etc etc. Juicy survival stuff.

So I was excited to share this news with The Boy which started a whole conversation/debate over series books. My whole thing is that I think it’s pretty neat to create a world and then make it withstand the tests of other stories. I mean, creating a world for one story is hard. Then making that world sustain another story and still work, and still have the rules of that world stay consistant, that’s pretty cool. His whole thing is that he thinks that too many writers are jumping on the series bandwagon and aren’t turning their creative juices to creating new and cool worlds and that we as readers lose out.

Now, I must admit that I have a personal stake in this argument. After all, I’ve been playing around in a world that The Boy created and I’ve come up with a sequel idea to my current WIP (gotta think of such things now so that I can plant the seeds). So I like the idea of sequels cause… uh… I’m plotting one. One would think that The Boy would feel similarly since he’s already started a short story/novella/novel set in the same world. Hey, it’s a big world. And pretty neat too.

Anyway, I think his main point is that he doesn’t mind series books, but he just feels like every single author is jumping on the bandwagon. That it’s a given. A must these days. So I thought about the books I’ve been reading. Twilight (first of three). The Rest Falls Away (book one of the Gardella Vampire Chronicles). Magic or Madness (book one of the Magic or Madness trilogy).

I have my own thoughts about this, but must give some attention to the dog at this moment. Y’all comment away on the blog and I’ll finish up my thoughts soon. Do you think this is a trend? If so, why do you think it’s more prevalant these days?

Oh, and as an aside, we decided that there are basically two ways to go about a series. The first is one where it’s basically one book split into many. He cites Lord of the Rings as an example. The other are loosly related books that each stand on their own but are in the same world. He cited Sword of Shannara books as examples. Do y’all agree?