Yes, you read it right, I’m giving away books. Four to be exact. A copy of Secret Society Girl and Under the Rose here this week and another copy of Secret Society Girl and Under the Rose at the Manuscript Mavens starting at the end of the week. And if you guys really impress me, then I may feel compelled to give away more 🙂

What prompts this you may ask? It’s the debut* of my dear friend Diana‘s second book, Under the Rose. It is, in a word, fantabulous. There is no sophomore slump here, let me tell you. Under the Rose grabs you and won’t let go. I loved this book. Diana didn’t rest on her laurels, didn’t recycle old jokes and old plots like so many sequels do. Nope, Under the Rose is fresh, indulgent, and raises the stakes even more. Diana knows how to keep the reader on her toes, how to satisfy us but keep us wanting more.

The bottom line is that Diana wrote a damn good entertaining book. A book I couldn’t put down. I was reading it on the plane and it landed and I refused to get off until I finished it. Yes, this book is that good: enough to keep you on a plane even when you’ve landed and reached the gate.

And because I love this series so much, and because I think that Diana deserves every praise she gets, I’m happy to spread the word on how good these books are. To that end, I’m giving away one signed copy of Secret Society Girl and one signed copy of Under the Rose.

How do you win? Easy – just comment on my blog this week. Any comment, any day. At the end of the week I’ll draw two names and announce the winners. If, for some reason, you want to comment but not be entered in the drawing, or you want to be entered in the drawing for one book but not the other, just mention that in the comments or email me at quitclaim


Remember, if you don’t win here, there will be another chance when I give away another copy of Secret Society Girl and Under the Rose as the guest blogger at Manuscript Mavens this Friday.

Congratulations Diana on a fun and fantastic book – when do I get to read the next one?!?

* is it still a debut when it is their second book? I mean, it is the debut of the book – correct?