I’m sorry for the lack of blogging recently – lots going on in my non-writing life and for some reason my computer is acting up (screen going dark for no reason at all…). Hopefully, with all the Nationals hoopla, y’all haven’t noticed my absence.

First order of business: Kiki – I still haven’t heard from you! Email me at quitclaim

[at] gmail.com (that’s quit as in “quit your job” and claim as in “I claim you as my own”) to claim (haha) your signed copy of Secret Society Girl. For the rest of y’all waiting on books – sorry for the delay, totally my bad!!

I’m still plugging away on revisions. I find that it’s so easy to get overwhelmed and hard to figure out where to start. Right now I have tons of comments in the ms itself, and I don’t really know how to move on to the next step. Man, I feel like a broken record on this blog. At least I have my first round list of agents put together.

Natch, today I watched a series of bad horror movies while JP worked. I tried to resist, but couldn’t stand being in the other room while a flick dubbed The Reeker was on. Seriously. The Reeker.

Anyone got some good scoop from Nationals?