I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: One of the things I love about the writing community is how much everyone looks out for each other. Everyone is just so amazingly awesome! I know, I know, that’s not the case entirely. Sure, there are scandals and people who try to manufacture scandals and backbiting. I see all that out there and yes, even indulge in reading some of those blogs with a shocked gasp.

But the people I’ve dealt with have been amazing. Have gone out on a limb when they didn’t even have to climb the tree. Who have been there for support and for advice and have answered twenty-million questions, 19,999,990 of those questions being really insignificant and nit-picky.* Who have read my manuscript (again and again), read my query and synopsis (again and again) and really put a lot of effort into giving insightful comments. Who have read my blog and cheered me along the way. Who must have dropped what they were doing at times because their responses cam so quickly. And who fish-slapped me when it was necessary.

I really can’t thank y’all enough. Seriously — I would not have been able to send the full manuscript of WIP out today to an agent who requested it without y’all.

It makes me want to succeed so that I can do you all proud.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’m waiting for the day I can not only repay those who helped me out, but also pay it forward.

* Yes, I admit to standing in Office Dept today, staring at all the paper options and trying to determine whether there really was a difference between 113 brightness and 115 brightness and does it matter that the 115 is for color stuff and am I going to be able to use 24lb with my printer… Like I’ve said before: when you have so little control over the outcome of things, you (*ahem* I) cling to those insignificant details that I can control. And I went with 115 brightness and 24lb. You do not even want to know about my envelope dilemmas…