It feels like I’ve been running around a lot recently — checking, triple checking submissions guidelines, buying submission supplies, getting writing ready for submission, quiting my job, cleaning my office.

I’m not sure what will happen to me at the end of the day tomorrow — my last day of work for almost two weeks. I think I might come home and collapse. Because I certainly feel like collapsing now. Even having everything ready for submission, putting the query packages together was a little stressful. I think about all the “Don’t’s” you read about on agent blogs, and I realize how easy it is to make mistakes, even having done tons of research and really preparing.

For example, it wasn’t until the last minute that I remembered the SE aspect of the SASE. Even though I’d specifically bought stamps this morning and had them next to my keyboard! The font of one of my headers was a slightly different font than the rest of the text. I opened two packages for fear I’d mangled the agent address. I’m talking 3+ hours to get 5 submissions out the door.

But they’re done! Now I just have to clean out my office, haul everything to my car, and relax for days and days.

Which brings me to the real important part of this post: my TBR pile has dwindled. I need — nay crave! — recommendations! I want to spend my days lolling in a reading induced stupor. It has been too long since I’ve been able to read without the pressure of my own WIP rattling around my brain.

So, what are y’all reading these days?