So my creative writing professor from college, Jim Shepard, was nominated for the National Book Award for his book of stories, Like You’d Understand, Anyway. I think this is awesome because he is a fantastic writer and I’m so happy that now more people will be exposed to his work. I took every class I could from this man and loved them all. My only regret is that I didn’t take them more seriously, that I didn’t spend more time and effort on them. Of course, I’m sure most students feel this way at some point.

I learned a lot from Prof. Shepard. Looking at WIP, I realize just how much of it I owe to the classes I took at Williams. It’s written in the voice I developed there and definitely has elements that would make Prof. Shepard smile. I’m sure I’m not the student he expected to get somewhere with her writing 🙂

Jim Shepard is a brilliant writer, a phenomenal professor, and I couldn’t be happier for him!