YAY! My website is up! www.carrieryan.com! I love love love it! What do y’all think?

So, a year ago, right after I’d sold The Forest of Hands and Teeth, I knew that I wanted to have a website and that I probably wouldn’t have the time (or skills) to set it up myself. I started looking around at various sites to get a feel for different looks and designers. Usually, I would love a large chunk of a designer’s portfolio, but there would be a few sites that I was more “meh” about. Until I started looking at Xuni’s sites. Her designs are exactly what I always wanted: clean, clear, dynamic (without being overwhelming) and just gorgeous. I love the look of all of them!

I was thrilled beyond belief that she had space to take me on as a client! But I had a terrible time coming up with images of what I wanted. And then one day I was up in the mountains with JP’s family and his brother had a fancy new camera. It was a misty, foggy fall morning and I asked if he’d be willing to take a few forest shots and he agreed! They were (and still are) perfect and those are the shots that Xuni used as the placeholder page (which I also LOVED). They’re also the shots that make up a good chunk of the header for the site. So that makes my website even more special to me that my fiance’s brother is the one who took the forest pictures!

Xuni has been a total dream to work with! She took my barest hint of ideas and turned them into an amazing site that is exactly what I wanted. At every step she’s gone above and beyond and I can’t thank, or recommend her, enough!!

So stop by, take a look, and tell me what you think! And if you have thoughts or FAQs, send them my way!