I was super excited to see The Forest of Hands and Teeth in GalleyCat! And I really loved the article – yay 🙂 One of the things mentioned is that I started writing The Forest of Hands and Teeth during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) in 2006. Well… it’s that time of year again! I’ve already signed up… have you??

In other news, Diana Peterfreund has posted the GORGEOUS cover of her YA Rampant. This is the book about killer unicorns that is coming out in the summer and I CAN’T WAIT! Diana also worked on this book during NaNo 2006 and in fact, that’s around the time we started as critique partners since we were both branching out into fantasy YA. It’s crazy to think that what we both started as NaNo projects in 2006 will be coming out in 2008!

So yes, NaNo is in the air…