Hey Y’all!

Exciting news! The Forest of Hands and Teeth was one of three books used for the Teen Book Video Awards! This is a really cool program run by Kirkus and sponsored by Random House Children’s Books where they send books out to film students and ask them to create a book trailer. I was so so excited to hear that TFHT was one of the books! When I was up in NYC at the RHCB offices I got to see a few of the finalists and it was just amazing to see different visions for the book — it was like getting to see what it would be like as a movie!

So, without further ado, the book trailer for The Forest of Hands and Teeth created by Jessica Pilkes (the sound is low so you might want to turn up the volume!)

If that link doesn’t work, you can also view the trailer here and here. Thanks Jessica for a fantastic trailer! I love it!!

In other news, I’ve started to settle into a routine a little more. I’ve got the office mostly set up (except we’re in dire need of more bookcases which I think will just be our lot in life — can never have enough bookcases!) Here’s a pic of where things stand now:

You can see one of my co-workers outside the window. Jake enjoys jumping up on the bench outside and checking in (and yes, just over the big monitor you can see his “jaunty” curly tail — it’s a very ridiculous tail!). In the corner is the blow up of the FHT cover that was at the dinner in NYC — the folks at RHCB sent it to me! How cool is that!? I get so excited every time I glance at it! Also, it might be hard to see in this photo, but shambling along the windowsill is a glow in the dark zombie army (care of Saundra Mitchell).

And then there’s the boss man. I was out running errands yesterday and came home to this. Clearly the look on his face is “And where have you been young lady? I believe the work day is not yet over!”

Hopefully when I sneak out early this afternoon to meet up with Sarah Prineas (yay!!) the boss will be too busy napping to notice…

And yes, having an iPhone makes it SO much easier to take and send pics so you will continue to get lots and lots of co-worker pics πŸ™‚