I recently found out that Listening Library will be doing an audiobook version of The Forest of Hands and Teeth! I’m so excited — I think it will be fun and strange to hear Mary’s voice. I know a lot of authors can see their characters in their heads and can even pinpoint which actors and actresses they’d choose to play their characters if the book were ever made into a movie. For me, I’m never able to see them, but I can hear them. Maybe not exactly what their voice sounds like, but I can definitely hear the rhythm of their words and the way they speak. I really can’t wait to hear what they come up with for Mary!!
Over the past week I’ve watched the trees outside my office burst into color and now they’re fading. It’s been one of those amazingly perfect fall weeks. The kind that forces you outside to stroll around kicking fallen leaves. I was even motivated to finally take down the Halloween decorations and clean up some of the flower beds in front of the house.
And of course the burst in gardening motivation was in NO way related to the fact that I recently received my revision letter from my wonderful editor. I’m just trying to enjoy this last gasp of fall before the world becomes too chilly to take advantage of the outside world Besides, I always get my best thinking done while I’m occupied with something else. In fact, it might be time to take the dog for a walk…