Hey y’all!  I have good news!  I found out that The Forest of Hands and Teeth has been chosen as a Junior Library Guild Selection!  It’s their YA book for April, 2009!!  I’m super excited and thrilled about this!  I’m also very honored because they have chosen so many fantastic books and it’s just very cool to see my book listed in such amazing company.

In other news, it’s my birthday on Thursday.  Astute readers of the blog will remember that in my family we don’t just celebrate the day, but the entire season.  So this is officially my birthday season.  And I have to say that my fiance, JP, has really topped all gift-giving this year because for Christmas and my birthday he surprised me with a vacation!!  On Friday we leave for a week of scuba diving, reading, relaxing, eating, etc in Curacao!  Go JP!
Speaking of JP and how amazingly wonderful he is, he’s just had a story published in Tower of Light called Those Who Fear.  This was one of the stories that he wrote when he and his brother were challenging each other to weekly fiction writing goals and the pitch (the theme or starting point) of their challenge that week was “Those who fear are lost.”  This is probably one of my favorite stories of his because I think funny is hard and this one cracks me up.  I’ve always begged him to turn this one into a series!

And speaking of funny stories, I’m reading an AMAZING book right now.  Unfortunately it’s an ARC and won’t be out until May 14, but DULL BOY by Sarah Cross is incredible.  I plan to gush more about this book in future posts, but wow.  I wish I could be as funny, sardonic, and poignant as Sarah is in her writing.  If it weren’t for revisions, I’d still be in bed reading it (actually, I would be in bed sleeping because I would have stayed up all night reading it!).
And speaking of revisions, they will be done by the end of the week.  w00t.  And speaking of w00t, I should have more great news to share in the next few days.  Hopefully by the time I leave for Curacao at least.
Happy Monday everyone!