Hey! As y’all know, I’m part of a group of YA and MG debut authors called the 2009 Debutantes.  Throughout the course of the year I’m going to be hosting many of them on my blog as part of a Deb Blog Tour (Stacey Jay was my first guest last week!).  So here’s my question… what do you want to know about these debut authors and their books?  I’ve been trying to come up with a set of interview questions when it occurred to me that since y’all are the ones who will be reading the interviews that maybe y’all are the ones who can help me come up with questions!  I also want to make sure that for those of you reading other Debs blogs you don’t get bored 🙂

In other news, it snowed last night!  Just a dusting which of course will paralyze the city for hours I’m sure.  But it’s still pretty nonetheless!