Today I’m heading to the mountains with JP (or more accurately, I’m going with him to Asheville while he meets with a client and then we’re headed to the mountains).  In the past, I’ve done a ton of writing up there.  There’s something about the whole place — the views, the quiet (it didn’t have internet access until recently), the fresh air — that really stokes my creativity.  And JP’s parents have always been so wonderful and understanding that I spend my afternoons tapping away on the computer.

Mostly, I wrote up there because I had to write every weekend (or I was under deadline) and so I didn’t have a lot of other options.  But I realized yesterday that I don’t have to write this weekend.  And since I’m waiting for my second round of revisions, I don’t have a deadline to work with either.  I can actually read this weekend!
What a novel idea!  And thankfully I have two big TBR stacks just waiting for me!  The first is a stack of books I bought for my mom (she’s becoming a YA aficionado) and then promptly borrowed for my trip to Curacao.  The second is a stack of books I’m reading for an upcoming trip.
Growing up I used to spend all weekend reading.  My dad would take me to the local indie (The Open Book) and I’d pick out something (usually Christopher Pike) and then read it.  Or I’d peruse the shelves in my sister’s bedroom and pick up a Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High, and eventually romance.  I’d stay up late late late into the night and I wouldn’t even roll out of bed in the morning — I’d just pick up the book and keep going.
It’s really been a long time since I’ve done that.  Back in law school when I realized I wasn’t reading enough, I started reading just before bed.  It was supposed to be my way of making sure I got some reading in every day.  But I’ve since realized that that often tends to be my ONLY reading.  When I left law, I relished the idea of stopping work at 4pm and just cracking a book (after all, industry reading can be considered work!) and yet, I’ve never done it!
So this weekend I’m looking forward to taking a stack of books to the mountains and just indulging.  Of course, that is… if my current WIP doesn’t call to me instead 🙂
What about y’all?  Do you read every day?  How do you choose what books to read and when to read them?