Confession: I haven’t really known what to do about the reviews for The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  Like most other authors (or maybe debut authors are just more crazy about it) I’ve been anxious to see how people like my book.  I’ve even set up a google alert or two (the second being for when people who’ve read the book like Justine Larbalestier accidentally call it The Forest of Hands and Feet ).  And so over the past few months I’ve loved reading what various people have had to say about FHT.

But I haven’t commented on those reviews because I haven’t wanted to make any reviewers feel like they have to worry about author response.  And I haven’t posted them here because I didn’t want to inundate y’all with reviews.  However, at the same time, every time I read one of these reviews I want to shout from the rooftops with glee!  And the thing is, it takes a lot of time and effort to read a book, think about it, and post a review.  And I really really REALLY want to thank every person who does so!

So I think what I’ll do is every now and again do a review roundup and post snippets and links to reviews here.  Without further ado, here are some lovely things folks have been saying about my book:

In her review in Drops of Crimson, Liz says:  “The novel is an astonishing piece of work.  The conclusion happens too quickly – you are so wrapped in their world, that you are reluctant to leave it behind, for all its terror and horror.  The love-triangle is woven deftly into the fabric of the story and the characters demand your empathy.  I sincerely hope that there is a follow-up novel in the works as Mary is such an amazing character that it would be a shame to not travel with her some more.  The world post-apocalyptic world created by the author rings true and again, it needs to be trotted out for another story.” (you can find the review here as well).

KarinLibrarian gave it 5 glasses out of 5 and says: “THE FOREST OF HANDS AND TEETH is an enthralling post-apocalyptic masterpiece.  Carrie Ryan’s description of the unrelenting Unconsecrated comes through loud and clear to the reader.  At times, the suspense will cause you to put the book down for fear of what you might read next only to pick it up again because you can’t wait to find out.  You’ll be able to feel the boney fingers of each and every Unconsecrated reaching for you as you turn page after page of this amazing novel.  The ending definitely leaves the reader begging for the next installment in this amazing series.”

I really appreciate what Tales of a Ravenous Reader a Lush Budget Promotion says about FHT  because of their approach to the zombie angle (which I plan to post about soon):  “I must admit that I am not a fan of the “zombie”. Honestly they freak me out, but this book only had me wanting more…brains?, more book. Maybe, because you read this entire novel about zombies without ever seeing the word mentioned, or the fact that Carrie Ryan wrote an amazing post apocalyptic story so well that you could actually feel those cold fingers reaching for you beyond the other side of the fence. SHUDDER!”

Jake-the-Girl from A Great Good Place for Books in Oakland, CA says, “I read it. And it was awesome.”

Mark Henry, in the Fantasy Book Critic, says, “Oh Carrie! How I love your zombie apocalypse. It’s no hold barred horror. Its dystopian fundamentalists. If you don’t do for zombies what Meyer did for YA vamps, then I’ll eat a brain.”  And Mark should know a thing or two about zombies!

Ashley of Ashley’s Bookshelf gives FHT an “A” and recommends it.

Jenny writes for the Arlington Teens Library Ninja Blog:  “This book kept me completely engrossed from page one. I even dreamt one night that I was in the Forest of Hands and Teeth with the Unconsecrated chasing me. Though Ryan leaves some minor questions unanswered, the entire novel is completely compelling and will keep the reader completely engrossed until the very end.”

A Curiosity Shop discusses choice in YA books, specifically FHT, Graceling, and The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks (really fascinating post, by the way, even if my book weren’t mentioned).

There are also a lot of reviews up on Goodreads!  

A massively huge thanks to everyone who has taken the time to read, post, pass on and talk about The Forest of Hands and Teeth!  I’ll do another post soon with more reviews!  And only 25 days till its release!!