So when I got home from meeting George Romero on Friday, guess what I found? Boxes of my book! Hooray! It reminded me of that scene from the end of Back to the Future when George McFly gets a box of his debut SciFi novel (which Biff carries in). Except my box was much smaller – lol.

Anyway, in celebration of getting all these books I’d like to give some away! I’d hoped to come up with some clever way to decide how to pick winners, but since the book is coming out two weeks from today (!!) I decided it might just be easier to go with the old standby: leave a comment on this post in my blog or LJ for a chance to win. Link back to the contest for an extra entry. I’ll choose winners Weds at midnight!

Also, Arya Darcy interviewed me on her blog (interview here).  She has a great blog that I highly recommend — tons of author interviews that I’ve loved reading!

It’s still hard to believe that The Forest of Hands and Teeth comes out in two weeks (or could already be out in some places since I guess the books are shipping!).  On the one hand, it’s just crazy to think that years of planning, thinking, day-dreaming comes down to this.  To right now.

But that’s kind of dramatic.  And on the other hand, I tend to think of time as a relative thing.  So I don’t think of the release date being two weeks away but rather in relation to other things going on.  And before the release I have a party at JP’s firm to go to, a house to clean for guests, a Ben Folds concert, a trip to Ireland.  So in my head, the release seems MILES away!  Which might explain why I’m feeling a little behind in the planning-launch activities arena (which, anything in particular y’all would like to see around launch time?)

Then there are moments when I’ll catch myself and realize that this is really happening.  The books are sitting on my dining room table.  People will be reading them.  This book that I wrote for JP, that I thought would never sell is coming out soon.  Wow.