Hello From Ireland!  We all made it here safe and sound, no ghosts/zombies/unicorns have stormed the castle (as of yet) and this afternoon we all enjoyed a very lovely high tea complete with scones, Irish honey, cucumber sandwiches and other tasty treats!  This morning I woke up early (ish) and built a fire, wrote some, gnashed my teeth over not knowing what to write and then took a lovely walk up to an old cemetery.   And what they say about Irish weather is true, so far today it’s been: snowing, sleeting, hailing, raining, sunny, blustery wind.

In short, this trip has been amazing so far and it’s barely begun!

For those of you who would like more regular updates from Team Castle, we’ve created a Twitter account that everyone is posting to: twitter.com/TeamCastle.  I think we even have a Flickr account but don’t know the address… we’ll post it on twitter soon!!