How to spend your release day:

Wake up a little before noon and stare out the window at the very green Irish countryside wondering why you decided that a drinking game to the world’s worst book was a fantastic idea at 3am the night before. Hear a knock at the door and have Ally Carter pop her head in to chant that it’s your release day (yay!) and tell you that everyone is heading to the pub.

Decide that waking up and heading directly to the pub isn’t a problem. Take a bath, and start lovely rain-free walk to the local village. Get lost. Get unlost. Find said pubs and realize they are all closed. Convince the nice man at the local shop to make sandwiches to everyone. Eat half on the way back and remember that a simple turkey sandwich can be the best thing ever and can settle all stomachs.

Get back to castle and peruse the internet. Admire pictures of book on shelves sent from family and have other authors with many books under their belt laugh at your dewy eyed optimism (in a good way!). Chat a bit, take a sauna and then nap with an ARC of one of your fellow castle-mate’s newest book.

Wake up and stare out at countryside. Realize that there is bird sex going on outside window but not be fast enough to run down stairs and catch the male peacock with his tail fully displayed. Dress for dinner in Baroness’s bathroom and wander downstairs.

Sit in writing parlor with writing friends and smell delights of catered meal wafting in. Pop bottle of champagne as canapés are served. Toast said champagne until gong for dinner sounds. Head to scrumptious dinner and enjoy excellent conversationing.

Retire to parlor with Irish coffees and listen to more dramatic readings. Read a bit. Write a bit. Alternately curse the internet for being down so you cannot obsess but be glad there is something keeping you from obsessing.

Enjoy terrific company of fellow authors. Miss fiancé. Head to bed amongst congratulations of new friends. Snuggle deep beneath heaps of soft fresh linens and dream of the cliffs of insanity.