I’m so excited about the launch party tomorrow.  I can’t believe this day is almost here!  Of course, this might be one of the reasons that I’ve been a little quiet this week, running around to get things set up.  I thought I would bring you a little preview in the form of pictures!!

First, just to cover the details, the invite!

The party will be held at The Open Book in Greenville, SC.  This is the store that I always went to growing up.  I totally remember sitting in the aisle next to a rack of the newest Nancy Drew books (which, by the way, sort of threw me cause the new covers had little Nancy in a black leather jumpsuit – what happened to the yellow dress???) and that’s where I always went to pick up the newest Christopher Pike.  I dropped by there on Wednesday and look at what I saw!

I gotta be honest, I was a little blown a way (and intimidated!).  But there will be more than just books at the party tomorrow!  There will be cupcakes and cookies and champagne.  And giveaways!  There will be a drawing for two baskets.  The first I’ve titled “Zombology” and it is filled with everything zombie:

The second is “A Night of Reading” and is filled with lots of goodies for cuddling up for a comfy night in with a good book.

And of course you can’t forget the sixty tins of gummy brains for everyone who shows up 🙂

I’ve had a lot of fun putting everything together and I hope I see y’all there!  Come on, who can resist gummy brains?  And I know not many of you live near Greenville, SC and can’t be there in person so I’ll try my best to bring the launch party spirit to you!  Email me any time this weekend (carrieATcarrieryan.com) with your address and I’ll mail you a bookplate (tell me who you want it made out to and if you want me to write something special), a bookmark and whatever else fun I can shove in the envelope 🙂
Thanks for letting me share the fun and celebration with you!!