Today I’m super excited to be hosting fellow 2009 Debutante, Deva Fagan and her debut novel, Fortune’s Folly!

About the book:

Ever since her mother died and her father lost his shoemaking skills, Fortunata has survived by telling fake fortunes. But when she’s tricked into telling a grand fortune for a prince, she is faced with the impossible task of fulfilling her wild prophecy-or her father will be put to death. Now Fortunata has to help Prince Leonato secure a magic sword, vanquish a wicked witch, discover a long-lost golden shoe, and rescue the princess who fits it. If only she hadn’t fallen in love with the prince herself. . . .
About the author:
Deva likes searching for patterns, which is how she explains both her degree in mathematics and the echoes of old fairy-tales in her stories. She also loves tea, gardening, and playing the fiddle. She lives in Maine with her husband and her dog.

The interview:

What’s been one of the most exciting moments in your journey to publication?

Seeing my cover! I wasn’t expecting it to be a night scene, but I was so happy with how it turned out, particularly since I am a big fan of midnight blue skies sprinkled with stars. I am very grateful to the cover artist and designer for creating such a lovely book.

Is there anything you can’t write without?

I’d definitely miss my copious mugs of tea if I had to do without them! But the thing that would really give me trouble would be giving up my computer. Longhand seems so sloooow now. Plus, I love having Google Image Search only a click away.

When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?

Explode something! Though doing both would be even better….

Can you share a favorite line you’ve written either in this book or a WIP?

I particularly like the first line of FORTUNE’S FOLLY:

Life would have been much easier if I believed in fairy tales.

Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?

As long as they don’t talk (groaning is okay) it’s okay with me. Also no romantic, cuddly zombies unless it’s Fido.

I asked Deva if she’d be willing to share a post discussing her publication journey:

For those interested in reading about my “publication journey”, I talk about it in my website FAQ page (third question down): or for all the nitty-gritty I have a “fortune’s folly” tag on a bunch of my livejournal entries so you can find the postings back in 2003 when I was writing the first draft for NaNoWriMo.