Hey y’all! Still chugging along on revisions so today’s post is more a series of links!  The Forest of Hands and Teeth is coming out soon in Australia (I don’t know exactly when) and I’ve been getting more and more excited about it!  I’ve adored working with my UK/Oz publisher Orion/Gollancz!

One of the things they’ve done is set up a Facebook page for The Forest of Hands and Teeth (here).  It’s a place for people to post thoughts, reviews, get news and updates, etc etc.  I think they’re also planning to unveil the UK/Oz cover for The Dead-Tossed Waves over there soon!  I actually found out from it that FHT has already gone into a second printing in Australia!  Wahoo!

As I posted last week, I did a radio interview with The Book Show which is a daily program on ABC Radio National.  You can listen to it here.  I had a ton of fun doing it and I think it turned out pretty well!  You get to hear me read a bit from the book and talk about the inspiration behind it, my thoughts on zombies, and how I plan to survive the apocalypse 🙂

And as I’ve been writing this post I just got an email from Borders Australia that lists The Forest of Hands and Teeth as #2 on their Shortlist which you can find here!  Totally an awesome way to start the morning!

We’ve also started to get some great reviews in from down under!  Here are a few:

The Australian says: “Carrie Ryan’s astonishing debut novel is one of the best works of speculative fiction published in recent years.”

The New Zealand Herald says: “Mary is a fully-formed character with strengths and weaknesses, and she inhabits a dark, complex world where good and evil, right and wrong are not always clearly distinguishable.  The book is all the better for it.”

The Courier Mail says:  “Carrie Ryan digs up fresh approach to the zombie story,” and mentions The Forest of Hands and Teeth again here as a new dark tale to satisfy Twilight cravings.

So that’s my Australia/New Zealand update!  Now back to those revisions….