Hello All!  Like I said, I have lots of 2009 Debs coming to visit this month and today I bring you Sydney Salter’s debut, My Big Nose and Other Natural Disasters.  I totally love this cover and everything I’ve read about this book makes me want to run out and pick it up!  

About the author:  

Sydney Salter held a variety of jobs before becoming a full-time writer, including her brief stint delivering pies and flowers, wrecking vans, and destroying wedding cakes in Reno, Nevada. Sydney now lives in Utah with her husband, two daughters, two cats, and two big Bernese Mountain dogs. She loves reading, writing, traveling, and, of course, baking and decorating cakes (but not driving them anywhere).

About the book:   

Seventeen-year-old Jory Michaels wakes up on the first day of summer vacation with her same old big nose, no passion in her life (in the creative sense of the word), and all signs still pointing to her dying a virgin. In spite of her driving record (it was an accident!), Jory gets a job delivering flowers and cakes to Reno’s casinos and wedding chapels. She also comes up with a new summer goal: saving for a life-altering nose job. She and her new nose will attract a fabulous boyfriend. Jory survives various summer disasters like doing yoga after sampling Mom’s Cabbage Soup Diet, enforced-mother-bonding-with-crazy-nose-obsessed-daughter night, and discovering Tyler’s big secret. But will she learn to accept herself and maybe even find her passion, in the creative (AND romantic!) sense of the word?

The Interview:
What’s been one of the most exciting moments in your journey to publication?
Getting the final offer call from my agent. I was in the airport about to fly to SCBWI LA and it was so amazing to celebrate with my writer friends. Having my husband fly to LA for the weekend and meet me with champagne in the hotel bar wasn’t too bad either : )
Is there anything you can’t write without?
I try really hard to avoid writing rituals because I think they give us too many excuses not to write. I do love to drink tea while I write, though.
When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?
I have yet to explode anything–hmm, maybe I should rethink that. I do like writing about falling in love, though.
Can you share a favorite line you’ve written either in this book or a WIP?
“My friends had blossomed big and bold like the flowers on the Katie Bakes! van, while I struggled like the weeds in the middle of a cracked driveway.”
Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?
Bring on the speedy zombies, please!