Someone asked me if the animals in my books can be infected and turned into zombies.  I think this is an issue that all zombie writers must face and I distinctly remember sitting down and pondering this issue.  A few things sealed the decision for me: zombie cows, zombie mosquitos and the whole pesky idea that the world’s ecosystem would likely fall apart if all animals became zombified.  So in my world, animals are safe from becoming infected.

But that doesn’t mean that I’m still not fascinated with the idea of “what if” animals could become infected. One of my fave board games, Zombies, has an expansion pack called “Zombie Dogs” (and yes, this means that I actually have a bowl full of plastic glowing zombie dogs in my house (Rarely do I think about the fact that my family reads this blog, but when I write a line like that I wonder if they just shake their head and wonder about me…)).  And no, this expansion pack should not be confused with the Zombie Clowns expansion (you see why I love this game!?).

Zombie turtles I think I could deal with.  Zombie cats would likely just be as lazy as real cats (and we all know the way you trap a zombie cat is just to print out a fresh 300 page manuscript — they can’t resist!).  Zombie wasps would really suck.  Zombie cockroaches…. wait…. there’d prob be no difference.  Zombie elephants?  And of course we already know about the zombie unicorn…..

See how fun this thought experiment is?  Seriously, I really do love trying to come up with the craziest zombie animal I  can think of (and please feel free to leave your own thoughts on best/worst zombie animal in the comments!).

So of course I loved it when more than one person sent me a link to this article on zombie ants.  I’m just saying… one day….