Hey Y’all!  Sorry for so many blog tour posts recently — we had some rearranging which means I’ve had quite a few in a row.  Today I’m hosting Cindy Pon, Wednesday I’m hosting Aprilynne Pike and then I’ll have two more before the month’s out!  I’ve also been a little laxer on posting other content cause… well… those revisions.  BUT, you can always follow me on Twitter where I try to post regularly through the day!

Alright!  On to todays guest, Cindy Pon!  And I have to say, I totally blame Cindy for my lack of sleep — I went to bed EXTRA early last night because I knew it would be a long week and then what happens?  I stay up EXTRA late reading Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia.  I gotta tell y’all, I haven’t finished it yet but I’ve really really loved everything so far!  I’ll post more when I’m done!

And also — isn’t this a gorgeous cover?  Not only that, but Cindy was the artist behind the paintings for each chapter header (she is a wicked talented artist!).  Silver Pheonix received a starred review from Booklist and was also recently named one of Booklists’s 2009 Top Ten Sci Fi/Fantasy Books for Youth. Also, Cindy has a great book trailer here.  Without further ado, let me introduce Cindy and her beautiful and captivating debut novel, Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia:

About the book:

On the day of her first betrothal meeting–and rejection–ai ling discovers a power welling deep within her. She can reach into other people’s spirits, hear their thoughts, see their dreams…and that’s just the beginning.
ai ling has been marked by the immortals; her destiny lies in the emperor’s palace, where a terrible evil has lived, stealing souls, for centuries. She must conquer this enemy and rescue her captive father, while mythical demons track her every step. And then she meets chen yong, a young man with a quest of his own, whose fate is intertwined with hers. Here is a heart-stopping, breathtaking tale for fans of action, fantasy, and romance–of anything with the making of legend.

About the author:

Cindy Pon was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and her family immigrated to California in 1980, settling in the suburbs of Los Angeles. She began writing stories before she was officially declared English proficient. She received her bachelor’s from the University of California, San Diego, and also earned a master’s from New York University. The author is a student of Chinese brush painting, and her love for the art is reflected in her storytelling. Cindy Pon lives with her husband and two small children in San Diego, California.

The Interview:

What’s been one of the most exciting moments in your journey to publication?

seeing my gorgeous book jacket. i got tears in my eyes!

Is there anything you can’t write without?

having at least an inkling of what comes next.

When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?

probably explode something. ha! make-scenes
are not easy to write!

Can you share a favorite line you’ve written either in this book or a WIP?

“Chen Yong sat hunched near the flames, his broad shoulders folded forward, in a posture of reverent prayer.”

i choose this because it is from a favorite
scene in SILVER PHOENIX. also because i have a crush on my hero. =)

Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?

ANTI! they will eat my brains if they are fast, no?