Hey Y’all! Happy belated Memorial Day! Today’s stop on the debs blog tour is another North Carolina author Leigh Brescia and her debut novel, One Wish.
About the book:
Overweight Wrenn Scott desperately wants to be popular and snag a hot boyfriend. Her amazing voice (for once) overshadows her weight when she lands a lead role in the high school musical. Pushing to get thinner by opening night, Wrenn’s waistline shrinks as she learns all the wrong ways to lose weight from a new “it-girl” friend in the show. By opening night, the old Wrenn has almost disappeared. After a crisis reveals her weight-loss tricks, Wrenn realizes there are much more important things than being thin, popular, or even dating a hunk.
About the author:
Leigh Brescia grew up in North Carolina, spending most of her days playing in the woods behind her home and imagining she was a princess. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English Communication from Mount Olive College and her Master’s degree from Fort Hays State University. She currently teaches online English composition courses for three universities, and an online “Writing Novels for Young Adults” course for UC Irvine.
The interview:
What’s been one of the most exciting moments in your journey to publication?
All of them! The truth is each one has superseded the last. I was excited when I got the message about WestSide wanting One Wish. I was excited when I saw the contract. I was even more excited to see my cover; more excited than that to see proof pages. I practically freaked out when my box of ARCs arrived, and now that I’m seeing my pre-order page pop up on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, that has become the highlight so far. I’m assuming when my author’s copies arrive I’m going to self-destruct.
Is there anything you can’t write without?
All I need is my laptop, some classical music, and milk and chocolate.
When stuck on a story which do you choose: write make-out scene or explode something?
As terrific as make-out scenes are, my best writing days are the ones where characters fight. It’s amazing how quickly words fly from my fingertips when someone is yelling . . . I’m not sure what that says about me, though. So . . . if I’m stuck, all I have to do is make a character mad.
Can you share a favorite line you’ve written either in this book or a WIP?
This is from my currently untitled WIP:
And yet here I was—torn: wanting to pull him closer, saving him, and at the same time wishing I could hop on the back of his motorcycle and, for once, allow someone to save me.
Finally: pro fast zombie or anti fast zombies?
I’m not really attuned to the zombie world, but you know, anti-fast zombies would, in many ways, be preferable.
Thanks so much for having me!!