Hey Y’all!  This is yet another drive by posting.  I’m rounding the bend in revisions which means I’ll pretty much be offline most of the rest of the week.  However, I’m still sending updates via twitter!  I’m also hoping to get some free time this weekend to attend our local con (one of the reasons I didn’t head off to BEA!).  Last year was the first time I went to Con Carolinas and I loved it!  If anyone’s in the area I hope to see you there!

So when I sold The Forest of Hands and Teeth, I sold world rights which means that Random House Children’s Books has been the one marketing all the foreign rights (and how all that works is for another post – lol).  Anyway, they’ve been doing an AMAZING job.  I pretty much figured that anything past the sale of the book was gravy — I totally didn’t expect anything more.

And I have to say, that like a lot of authors, one of the best things about selling foreign is getting the foreign covers.  I’ve already shown y’all the UK/Australia/NZ cover for FHT (and if you want a sneak preview of the cover they did for DTW (which is gorgeous!) then you can find it on the FHT facebook page that my UK pub, Gollancz, put together).  And while procrastinating the other day I found my German listing complete with cover!  Wahoo – it comes out over there August 9!  I’ve been drying to share it with y’all!

It’s just so cool to see all the different ways to approach this book.  And I feel so completely and utterly lucky and blessed by the cover gods for all three so far – love love love them all!  What do y’all think?