So, the big happy news first!  JP, my fiance, is a finalist in the 2d Quarter of Writers of the Future!  This is awesome news and I couldn’t be more excited, thrilled, ecstatic, happy for him!  Go JP!!!!!  To celebrate, I’m giving away a copy of Satirica, a collection containing one of JP’s short stories.  To win, comment congratulating JP and I’ll choose a winner Monday night!

In other news, I turned in my very own short story (which JP has informed me is not short at all seeing as how it’s cresting 10k words) and just got line edits back from my editor for The Dead-Tossed Waves.  I also got an invitation to contribute another short story to an anthology and am pondering what to write about next — anyone have any burning questions about the FHT world they’d like addressed in a short story?

I know I’ve been totally remiss in recapping the awesome adventures of the Gothic Girls trip to Savannah.  My only excuse is being sick but really it’s that I’ve become addicted to Twitter which has caused my blogging itch to be more satisfied.  Anyone else found that Twitter’s caused their blogging to go down a bit?  All of the other Gothic Girls have posted such wonderful recaps of the week that I’ve had a hard time finding a way to describe it nearly as well as they have!

Also, I have that whole deadline thing again which crimps my time a bit.  But in honor of the Gothic Girls (and my deadline) here’s an awesome video that was part of a student’s senior project at the Savannah College of Art and Design.

Hmmm… stop motion as procrastination eh?