First off, the winner of Satirica is Katterley!!!!!!!  Email me your address (to carrie

[at] and I’ll have it shipped to you!

Second, today starts the Summer of Seven!  Seven debut authors giving away seven books during seven days during the seventh month of July!  Let me tell you, rocking books on this list!!  We’ll be giving away a book each day and at the end of the week, two people will win the ultimate prize pack: one collection of all seven books with their US covers and one collection with the UK covers!

So yes!  Lots and lots of books being given away here!  How can you be entered to win?  Go here!  And while you’re there, check out all the free stuff!  Interviews, downloadable bookmarks, even a summer song!  It’s just our way of kicking off your summer right!

Here’s the official contest entry blurb from the website:


Voting begins July 1st, 2009.

You want to win free books, but how, how, how do we achieve that? It’s so easy. Starting July 1st vote for Team US or Team UK- and we’ll enter you to win one of two prize packs!

US Prize Pack features all 7 escape with 7 books with US covers, and the UK Prize Pack features all 7 escape books with UK covers where available. But you only win if you vote!

Voting will open from July 1st, 2009 – July 7, 2009. Prizes will be awarded July 8th, 2009. Come back and see us soon!