Two words: Killer Unicorns.  Two more words: Out Today.  One last word: OMGit’sanamazingbookgoreadit.  Yes, I’ve been waiting for this book to come out for AGES.  In fact, when Diana and I first became critique partners back during NaNoWriMo in 2005, she was working on Rampant and I was working on The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  Which I why I’m just to ecstatic that both our books have come out in the same year!  Squee!

So Rampant is about killer unicorns — we thought they were extinct and they’re not; we thought they were fluffy and rainbow farting and they’re not.  They’re vicious and can only be killed by virgin descendants of Alexander the Great.    This book is packed with action while at the same time dealing with so many huge issues that affect all of us (not just teens).  How do you figure out who you are and what you want in the world?  How do you balance everything thrown at you?  What choices do you make?

This book is tremendously thoughtful in addition to being totally thrilling.  It’s a gorgeously layered book and I’m so excited it’s finally out so I can share it with everyone!

Speaking of sharing it with everyone, I’m going to give away two personalized/autographed copies of Rampant.  To enter, post a comment on my blog or LJ telling me if you’re team zombie or team unicorn (if you want to explain why, that’s awesome).  If you want more than one entry, tweet (+1) or blog (+1) about Rampant or this giveaway.  There’s also an AWESOME video for Rampant at so I’ll give another point for linking (+1) or tweeting (+1) to that.  Just make sure to post a comment letting me know about the tweets and blog posts!

Contest closes Friday night!  Thanks everyone for celebrating the release of Rampant with me and congratulations Diana!!!