Whew!  Yep, I going to admit that it can get a little scary finding out that your book is going out into the world.  While ARCs of The Dead-Tossed Waves aren’t out yet, the manuscript is.  I didn’t even realize this until I got a fantastic note from someone at RHCB about it and that’s when I might have maybe started to hyperventilate a bit.

I mean, of course I know that’s one of the whole points of this gig: I write, a ton of people help make the book pretty and shiny, and then it goes out into the world to get read.  But somehow I’m always able to disconnect myself from that last step and forget about it.  Otherwise I end up in this really surreal situation as I type on the rough draft where I think “Will this word make it in the final draft?  Will someone somewhere read this phrase that I type while the dog kicks my keyboard and the cat begs for pets?”

So yeah, the whole “people are reading your book” part of the process sort of snuck up on me this time.  Surprise!  And yeah, I’ve been sort of holding my breath wondering what they’re thinking.  Which means that I was utterly over the moon to see someone out there say that The Dead-Tossed Waves is even better than The Forest of Hands and Teeth.  WAHOO!