Hey Y’all!!  Sorry for the delay in announcing the winners, I had to get copy edits finished and there were so many entries that it took multiple days to write all the entires down and draw a winner!  Without further ado, the winners are…..

Yay!  Email me at carrieATcarrieryan.com and let me know where to send the books and how you’d like Diana to personalize them!  And everyone else, thanks so much for entering and sharing your team preferences!  For those of you who are still on the fence, there’s now a third option:

Yes, that’s right, the ZOMBICORN!  I totally need to find out how to get this as a poster for my office wall.  Seriously?  Who DOESN’T want a zombicorn on their wall?

I’ll be holding another contest giveaway soon and promise to be more prepared to handle that one 🙂  Thanks again to everyone for entering!!