Hey Y’all! It’s Tuesday and I’m back to share more about the upcoming release of The Dead-Tossed Waves. Yesterday I was THRILLED to get an actual real got-to-hold-it-in-my-hands copy of the book. SQUEE!! Here’s a picture of my cat no looking nearly as thrilled as I was:

And yes! That’s a picture of both the hardcover of DTW *and* the rejacketed hardcover of The Forest of Hands and Teeth. So if you ever wanted a copy of FHT with the old jacket, now’s the time to snag it from the store if you find it. From what I’ve been told, all the copies left in the warehouse are now bearing this new cover! Yay!
I also got word last week that I’ll officially be touring for DTW in March (!!!) and here’s where I think I’ll be going so far (this could, of course, change as we get closer): Baltimore + DC, NYC (and area), Chicago, Detroit + Lansing, Seattle, San Francisco. I’m also trying to set something up in Atlanta and of course my hometowns Charlotte & Greenville 🙂
I’ll add details as I get them – so excited!!!