I’m so SO excited about today! It’s the day that The Forest of Hands and Teeth comes out in paperback! With the pretty cover (which is very pet-worthy if you ask me – seriously, when you see it in the stores pick it up and pet the cover (and if you do that and happen to snap a photo, send it to me and I’ll post it and mail you bookmarks & stickers :))

And yes, I totally plan to make the rounds today to check out (and possibly pet but definitely sign) copies in my area. I will also post pictures (prob on twitter).
I wanted to say thanks to everyone who has cheered me on over the past year. I’ve been incredibly humbled by the overwhelming support from bloggers, readers, family, friends and even strangers. Thank you for buying my book or checking it out from the library or passing a copy on to a friend. Thanks for reading and taking the time to post your thoughts. Just thank you for everything!!
Oddly, I was out of the country last year when the hardcover came out and this morning JP had to leave the country for work. I’ll be on tour when The Dead-Tossed Waves releases… I wonder if we’ll ever get to be in the same place to celebrate!