Hey y’all! I’ve had a few people ask about how to get an autographed copy of The Dead-Tossed Waves when it comes out March 9, 2010 (yay so soon!). Here are three ways!

2. Pre-order a copy through my local indie, Park Road Books before March 5th! We’ve set it up so that before I head out on tour I’m going to drop by and sign any pre-orders so they can ship them out to you on release day. Just give them a call at 704-525-9239 to place an order. Make sure to tell them who you want the book made out to (and how to spell the name) and if you want a specific message included. You can also get signed/personalized copies of the hardcover or paperback of The Forest of Hands and Teeth if you want a matching set 🙂
3. Bookplates! Just send a SASE (normal size envelope, normal postage) to: Carrie Ryan, 1235-E East Boulevard, PMB 191, Charlotte NC 28203. Let me know if you want just a signature or if you want it personalized and if you want any specific message. I’ll toss in some bookmarks and whatever else I have on hand and send it back!
Note: because I’ll be touring most of March, any orders placed with Park Road Books or SASE’s sent to my PMB after March 5th won’t get turned around and sent back out until at least March 29th! So if you want an autographed copy of The Dead-Tossed Waves on release day and can’t come see me on tour, make sure to pre-order with Park Road Books before March 5th!