So it appears then I’m math challenged (which is odd cause I really loved math in high school).  Last week I said the release of The Dead-Tossed Waves was a month away when really… it was only a few weeks.  I have like five different timers on my computer counting down various things and I think I glanced at the wrong one – oops!  To make sure that doesn’t happen again, I’ve created a count-down widget for The Dead-Tossed Waves:

Yay pretty!  Please feel free to post that anywhere you want!  I’ve also created an extras page on my website with icons, banners, bookmarks, etc.  I have to say, I really REALLY dig the tag line that Random House came up with for this book – I get a kick out of it every time I look at it!  And a HUGE thanks to Saundra Mitchell who put all the extras together — she rocks!

Okay, looking at that timer makes me feel a little ill.  Really?  Really it’s only two weeks until this book comes out?!?  Gak!  I feel like there’s so much to do before then!  I have to find clothes to wear on tour, I have to clean the house for a newspaper reporter coming tomorrow, I have to write a proposal and dig out of my email deluge and read and write and get my hair done and ….. deep breaths….. I should know we’re getting close since I just got my boxes of author copies in the mail yesterday!  YAY!!

This time last year I was preparing for Team Castle.  It still kind of boggles my mind that I got to spend my release week in Ireland with a bevy of amazing authors.  Did I ever mention how there were peacocks who lived there in the castle courtyard?  One peacock and two peahens and they’d fly up and sleep against a window in the alcove on the way to the bathroom on the second story so that you’d just go walking by and they’d shriek and so you’d shriek and they’d flap all over the place.  One day I swear they almost marched straight into the kitchen to see what was for dinner.

Yes, this is a blog of random dis-jointed thoughts and now you can see how my brain’s been working recently 🙂  On that note… I’m putting together my presentation for school and library visits — anyone have thoughts of what topics work really well?  I’ve given talks on how I came up with the world of FHT and the role of zombies in popular culture but have found that middle-schoolers often look at me blankly (appears few 8th graders have seen Night of the Living Dead!).  My path to publication always feels boring to me… what would be a good exciting topic to speak on (this is for the school visits — likely they haven’t read the books).  I really appreciate hearing your thoughts!!

I leave you with my most recent purchase that gives me tremendous glee: monkey slippers.  Seriously, can I wear these on the tour!?