This Thursday, the fantabulous Mundie Moms are hosting a chat with me at 9pm EST.  Their blog is here for details!

I promise updates and photos soon… just have to download pictures from my camera 🙂  It’s been nice being home from tour, trying to catch up on things, watching the yard EXPLODE with new growth which is threatening to take control of the house.  I’d planned on having most of April to myself to write and get organized but it looks like those plans might change…

In writing news, I’ve been working on a book that I’ve been super excited about for months.  The only problem is that it isn’t want I’d planned on writing next.  So… there’s that.  Jake had an appointment with the vet this morning and, as predicted, got a bit antsy about the whole needle thing so they’ve had to sedate him.  I’m not going to lie, it’s a little unsettling being home without him, wondering how he’s doing.  Poor beast.

Everyone was like “oh, he’ll be so sweet when he’s home and all woozy!” and to me that sounds like just about every other day.  He’ll just climb up on the couch and pass out and that will be that — typical afternoon for Jake.   Perhaps I’ll pick up a book and snuggle up with him 🙂

Anyways, come hang out tomorrow night and chat!