One of the questions I’ve been asked a bunch lately is what’s next.  I’ll update my website soon, but here’s the scoop: there’s a third book in the series and it should be coming out in Spring 2011.  It’s already written and the title is The Dark and Hollow Places.  I’ve seen a cover comp and in total love — can’t wait until I’m able to share it!

I also have three short stories set in the World after the Return (the same world as The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead-Tossed Waves).

Antho title: Kiss Me Deadly: 13 Tales of Paranormal Love
Antho editor: Trisha Telep
Release date: July 27, 2010
Short story title: Hare Moon
Short story description: my story is about Sister Tabitha from The Forest of Hands and Teeth when she was Mary’s age.  It answers a few more questions about the village, the Sisterhood and Tabitha’s motivation.  As it turns out, she was quite the passionate teen 🙂

Antho title: The Living Dead 2
Antho editor: John Joseph Adams
Release date: September 2010
Short story title: Flotsam & Jetsam
Short story description: right around the time of the Return, when no one really knows what’s going on, a group of seniors go on their senior cruise and infection breaks out on the ship.  Two boys escape in a life raft — one of them’s infected.

Antho title: Zombies vs. Unicorns
Antho editors: Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier
Release date: September 21, 2010
Short story title: Bougainvillea
Short story description: set about ten years after the Return on the island of Curacao, a girl discovers what it takes to survive as pirates threaten.