Just last week I posted a collection of the foreign covers for my books and I have a new on to add to the collection!  As I said before, I feel so lucky to have gotten such beautiful covers and that means that to a certain extent, I now open cover related emails with one hand over my eyes because I’m just not sure how much longer my luck can hold out.

As it turns out, my lucky streak continues!  This is the cover Gollancz designed and it will be released in the UK, Australia and New Zealand.  If you read the flap copy for The Dark and Hollow Places you’ll understand the significance barbed wire plays in the story.  I couldn’t be more thrilled with how this cover turned out!!!

Yep, I love everything about this cover: the ominous sounding tag line, “The worst secrets are about the future,” the smeared blood, the dirty concrete, the barbed wire heart, even the font (and yes, I also love the descriptor “International Bestselling Sensation” – squee!)

Thank you thank you thank you Gollancz for such a gorgeous cover!!  Of course this does mean I’ve been doing a lot of staring and not quite as much writing/revising.  Oops!