My first story in an antho!

My first short story has been released to the wild!  The anthology, Kiss Me Deadly, just came out a few weeks ago and my story in it, Hare Moon, is about Sister Tabitha from The Forest of Hands and Teeth when she was a teen.  I’ve actually written a whole blog post about this — why I chose to write about Sister Tabitha and what she means to me — but I still haven’t decided if I want to post it.

I always struggle with the tension between my belief that once the author is done writing the story it belongs to the readers on the one hand and my wanting to discuss why I made decisions in the story on the other hand.  I feel like explaining things can get close to defending decisions and… I just don’t know how I feel about that.  I have no problem having these dicussions live at signings but for some reason when I write blog posts about the same things I feel like I’m just sounding defensive rather than informative.

Sister T’s story

What do y’all think?  Should I talk more about the decisions I made when writing and why?

In the mean time, here’s a taste of what people are saying about Hare Moon:

Carrie Ryan (The Forest of Hands and Teeth) offers a story about devastating decisions in villages threatened by the Unconsecrated.
– Publishers Weekly 

This is definitely another favourite. It is part of Carrie Ryan’s Forest of Hands and Teeth series. I have yet to follow this series but Thea is a HUGE fan and now I understand why…. The writing is evocative and beautiful about a very fundamental conflict between love and duty, history and memory and choices.
The Book Smugglers

I supposed I can’t hate Tabitha now that I read her beautiful but bittersweet story. Fans of The Forest of Hands and Teeth series, this is a must read!
 – I Just Want to Sit Here and Read

For fans of Ms. Ryan’s previous works The Forest of Hands and Teeth and The Dead-Tossed Waves (like me)… this is a treat, one that will hopefully hold you over until the next book in the series… As always, Ms. Ryan’s stories are bittersweet, heartbreaking but so beautifully told.
all about {n}

Thanks for all the fantastic reviews y’all!!  I’ve been so thrilled by the responses to Sister Tabitha’s story πŸ™‚