Okay, people, tomorrow marks the release of The Dead-Tossed Waves paperback. Cue confetti!! Yay!! Crazy how time flies! In honor of the release I’ll be reading the first couple of pages from The Dark and Hollow Places tonight during the live show from Branson, MO. I don’t know when during the hour I’ll be reading but you can tune in here at 8:00 PM Eastern. Also, just a note that I forgot to bring an ARC or a copy of the paperback with me so I’ll be reading from the last draft I have so… there might be some changes between that and the final (just assume that the final is moar awesome).
In very VERY happy-making news, Jen Lancaster, one of my absolute favorite authors of adult books (crazy hilarious writer!) chose The Dead-Tossed Waves as one of her winter recommendations. She wrote:
What I appreciate so much about Carrie’s books is that even though her characters are tormented by external factors (e.g. being pursued by zombies while in pursuit of a safe zone), she still gives us a very real sense of what makes the characters unique and whole. Their internal drama’s often as profound as what’s happening around them.
Thanks Jen!! The whole list is here.
And also, thanks to the lovely internet I’ve already seen some pics of The Dead-Tossed Waves out and about! Vania took this photo (thanks!!):
Speaking of pictures, Aimee Ferris, author of Will Work for Prom Dress, has put together an awesome website of various authors in their own prom photos. Mine just went up the other day. Here’s the link. And yes, I still do have that dress in my closet (well, my attic really) because I totally loved it! I remember shopping for it with my mom and picking it out (I even wore it two years in a row).
Branson’s been snowy, cold and totally awesome! Don’t forget to head to the chat tonight if you have any questions for me about books, writing, life, etc etc. Can’t wait to talk with y’all!!
Awesome that your book is now on that display of Cassandra Clare's picks! The Dead-Tossed Waves was soo good. I can't wait to read The Dark and Hollow Places. It's almost here!
PS – Love your prom pick! I still have my senior prom dress, too.
I'm going to ask for it as a Valentine's present! Congrats!